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Publisher’s Weekly

Publisher’s Weekly

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We have arranged special discount rate for active Novelists Inc. members. At any time, you can use the member resource center to get a Publishers Weekly subscription for just $159.50 for a print + digital + online subscription or just $119.50 for a digital + online subscription.

Get a year of PW in your preferred format on your favorite device — Print+Digital or all-Digital — with your special NINC price. Whenever or wherever stay connected to important industry news and the buzz around the very best upcoming books.


Weekly issues: 175+ prepublication book reviews in every issue, industry news

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BookLife: PW’s monthly supplement featuring self-published titles, new trends, and resource directories.

The rate is reserved for Novelist Inc. active members. Click here to subscribe.

If you have questions about the PW subscription, contact Anne Strathairn at and be sure to mention you are a member of NINC.

Remember to mention you’re a member of NINC.