SAMPLE Cease and desist letter to an ISP unlawfully selling or sharing your book(s)
I am the copyright owner of a book entitled _________________ [title], authored by me, and published by ______________ [publisher]. {If copyright registration has been obtained for this title, give registration information, including certification number.}
It has come to my attention that ______________, a website hosted by your company is selling (or making available for sale) copies of my book in electronic/print form. Verification of this site’s listing of this title can be found at _____________________ [URL or link].
Neither my publisher nor any licensee nor myself has ever entered into any distribution arrangement with this site nor otherwise authorized the sale and/or distribution of copies of my book from this site. I, therefore, believe that the sale and/or offering of this title is illegal and constitutes an infringement of my copyright.
I am exercising my rights under the U.S. Copyright laws to notify you of this infringement and I ask that you immediately remove this infringing material and/or disable access to it.
You can reach me at: [provide name, address, telephone number, and if available, an email address at which you can be contacted].
Under federal penalties of perjury, I affirm that the information I have provided in this letter is accurate and complete and that I am the owner of the copyright in this work and am authorized to act to protect my rights.
[must bear actual or digital signature]