M. L. Buchman Archives
From Our Blog

I have to open with a story.
There I am, working on the 14th novel in my Miranda Chase air-crash-investigation thriller series. I wanted the U.S.-based characters to be near the opening action in Sweden, but not in the fray yet.
Training? Vacation? Hmm… do they ever go to conferences?
Google led me to the International Society of Air Safety Investigators (ISASI). They meet globally once a year …

Every time I’ve given a talk on the topic of estate planning, I see fear and panic abound. Even mentioning it gives authors hives. Here is a low-stress strategy.
The legal stuff Yes, you need a will (or your estate can disappear into contention for years). You probably need a living trust to move all of that IP neatly forward to your heir(s). But those are both matters for a lawyer. Find a lawy…