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Love a Cover? Love the Book! 2024 Romance Book Cover Trends

After a recent interview with my author friend, she proudly shows me the covers for the next four books in her Christian romance series. My marketer’s eye immediately sees that the designs mimic each other too closely and aren’t distinguishable from one another. Their muddy color palette won’t pop against competitive titles, especially as a thumbnail online. Wanting to support her success, I pr…

Book Cover Trends in 2024

As I turned to face the thousands of options lining my library’s shelves, I asked my librarian, “How do you pick which books to read?” I hoped that she might tip me off to a trade journal or confirm the importance of word-of-mouth recommendations. Her neck blushed pink before she paused and leaned toward me. “To be honest? I read books based on their covers.” A nervous laugh seemed to indicate …

Generational Cohorts: Applying Gen Z Insights to Your Writing

If your contemporary fiction features teens and young adults, and you’re part of an older generation, you may benefit from insights into Gen Z. Here, we’ll define current generations (specifically in the U.S.), what makes each unique, and how that can relate to your characters. As with all generational insights, it’s important not to stereotype, or lump all people within a generation together. …