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Smart Marketing: Facebook Ads and BookBub Ads

In my previous blog post, we kicked off our deep dive into how to use ads without losing your mind. NINC member Pam Kelley shared her tips and tricks for running successful Amazon ads. This month, we’re going to tackle Facebook ads and BookBub ads. Are you ready? Sarah Woodbury should be no stranger to any NINC member! Not only is Sarah one of our membership committee chairs, she’s also headed …

Smart Marketing: Amazon Ads

Because just about everyone in NINC is smarter than me about advertising, I reached out to three people who I know are experiencing success on different ad platforms. And since they were all so generous, this grew into a two-part article; come back in December for more ad advice. Pam Kelley, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of women’s fiction, family sagas, and suspense, sai…

Planning for 2024

Tis the season . . . for planning! There’s very little that I love more than a shiny new year, all empty and ready to fill with wonderful plans. December is the perfect month to take some thoughtful time to identify our goals for the next 12 months and then ponder how to best reach them. That’s never truer than when it comes to selling our books—plotting our marketing for the next year is essen…

Post-conference Thoughts on Marketing

It’s been a little less than a month since the NINC conference kicked off, and I have to admit that I’m still processing everything I learned. While I was not able to be at every workshop, I attended quite a few—and more than that, I talked to many people, and I listened to so many smart folks at both the UnCon and the PostCon. Not surprising to me—or to anyone, probably—the two buzzword phrase…

Planning for 2023

Welcome to the month of December, the time of year when many authors are both looking back at what worked and what didn’t go so well over the past twelve months … while at the same time, we begin to plan in earnest for the next year of writing, releasing, and marketing. For those of us who attended the NINC conference, as well as perhaps a few other author education events that take place in th…

Smart Marketing for Savvy Authors

When I was a brand-new, green author who knew next to nothing and had no clue about how to promote my just-published first book, a wise friend told me that I needed a website. She sent me to to buy my domain name and then constructed the basics of a very rudimentary website for my author business and books. To me, it felt like magic. Nowadays, thanks to some generous author assistan…