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Red Herrings & Plot Details: How to Keep Track of Them & Not Leave Them Hanging
In fiction, the term “red herring” is a technique designed to distract the reader by introducing misleading information. It’s a false clue, meant to deceive, before the truth is revealed.
Take a look at your latest story. Have all your plot twists been resolved? Do you have any red herring plot threads that you overlooked? There’s nothing more frustrating than finishing your book, tweaking ever…

Do you like easy money? Yes! Then you need to set up your affiliate marketing links.
What is affiliate marketing? If you read the informational pamphlets for each affiliate site, they are full of jargon—performance-based channels, leveraged partnerships, pay-for-outcome alternatives—that is confusing and hard to decipher.
But the basic answer is you get paid when you refer a reader to a vendor …

We made it through 2022! A round of applause and therapeutic chocolate for everyone. Now it’s time to look forward to 2023, and I’ve put together a list of resolutions based on trends I suspect will drive book marketing throughout the new year. Where does this list come from? My own extensive research and experience running a small marketing think tank. I’ve been tracking data and trialing diff…

Writing a novel and determining how to publish it—whether through an agent, a publishing house or independently—is daunting enough, but should an author also create a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC)?
Michael Banner, founder of an LLC filing service and multi-published author of apocalyptic thrillers, answered with a resounding “Yes!”
“Anybody who’s a professional should set up an entity imm…

Every time I’ve given a talk on the topic of estate planning, I see fear and panic abound. Even mentioning it gives authors hives. Here is a low-stress strategy.
The legal stuff Yes, you need a will (or your estate can disappear into contention for years). You probably need a living trust to move all of that IP neatly forward to your heir(s). But those are both matters for a lawyer. Find a lawy…