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A Guide to Rock-Star Customer Service for Authors Selling Direct

Let’s face it—happy readers come back for more. While the digital age has transformed how we connect with our audience, one truth remains: creating lifelong fans beats making one-time sales. The best part? Readers don’t expect perfection. They just want to know you’ve got their back when issues pop up. The common support scenarios Tech troubles. What button do I push? Most SOS calls are about e…

What’s in a Book Title? A Rose By Any Other Name

In Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare writes this line from Juliet to Romeo: What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. Likewise, authors sometimes wish readers would judge our books purely based on prose, character, and plot. But let’s face it, readers are often swayed by an eye-catching book cover or a clever title. The reality is that there are mil…

Smart Marketing: Facebook Ads and BookBub Ads

In my previous blog post, we kicked off our deep dive into how to use ads without losing your mind. NINC member Pam Kelley shared her tips and tricks for running successful Amazon ads. This month, we’re going to tackle Facebook ads and BookBub ads. Are you ready? Sarah Woodbury should be no stranger to any NINC member! Not only is Sarah one of our membership committee chairs, she’s also headed …

Smart Marketing: Amazon Ads

Because just about everyone in NINC is smarter than me about advertising, I reached out to three people who I know are experiencing success on different ad platforms. And since they were all so generous, this grew into a two-part article; come back in December for more ad advice. Pam Kelley, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of women’s fiction, family sagas, and suspense, sai…

Love a Cover? Love the Book! 2024 Romance Book Cover Trends

After a recent interview with my author friend, she proudly shows me the covers for the next four books in her Christian romance series. My marketer’s eye immediately sees that the designs mimic each other too closely and aren’t distinguishable from one another. Their muddy color palette won’t pop against competitive titles, especially as a thumbnail online. Wanting to support her success, I pr…

Finding Your Hot Premise: Boiling Down Your Story Idea Into the Simplest Terms

We’ve all had that experience of stepping into an elevator, realizing you’re in there with an editor or an agent, and he or she asks you what you’re working on. As you stammer out your long-winded answer (starting off with the classic “Well, it’s complicated”), the moment ends (i.e., the elevator door opens) and said editor or agent goes their way. Could you have made use of that opportunity by…